Microsoft has provided
Client Side Object Model (CSOM) to interact with Sharepoint objects easily. This CSOM objects can be interacted through Powershell and C#. Many developers are also using this to do CRUD[Create, Read, Update and Delete] operations. Testers can use CSOM to validate site columns, various content types and content data. Also it can be used to create test data for various content types.
I have used this library -
SharePoint Test Automation using Client Side Object Model (CSOM) for my sharepoint projects. Used to validate site columns, available sites content types and content fields.
Follow the steps to begin your automation. Also it is API-based automation, no need to worry about UI changes...
Step 1: Download and Install Client Components from
SharePoint Test Automation using Client Side Object Model (CSOM)
Step 2: Once installed, Add the following references in the package.
- Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
- Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime
Step 3: Develop code for Test Initialize like below.
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Test.Automation.SharePointCOM.Verification;
using Test.Automation.SharePointCOM.Helpers;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.GD.Test.Logging;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using AutomationFramework.TestScripts;
namespace AutomationFramework.TestScripts
public class SpAppVerify
SPVerification VerifyCO;
LogFile TestResults = new LogFile();
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public static string sURL = "";
public static string sUsrId = "svc-spfarm";
public static string sUsrPwd = "SpAppdev#123@";
public static string sUsrDomain = "devSpAppnai";
private String sTestLogFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResultsLog"];
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;
public void Setup()
// The below two lines help to access HTTPS site
System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
VerifyCO = new SPVerification();
testContextInstance.WriteLine("==============Starting the Set Up=====================");
Assert.IsTrue(VerifyCO.SetSiteUnderTest(sURL, sUsrId, sUsrPwd, sUsrDomain, testContextInstance));
testContextInstance.WriteLine("==============Ending the Setup=====================");
Step 4: Site Column validation
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", @"C:\Automation\SpApp_Tests\CoreLibrary\TestData\sitecolumns.csv", "sitecolumns#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]
public void VerifyCOSiteColumns()
VerifyCO = new SPVerification();
String ColumnName = testContextInstance.DataRow["SitecolumnName"].ToString();
VerifyCO.SetSiteUnderTest(sURL, sUsrId, sUsrPwd, sUsrDomain, testContextInstance);
TestResults.LogMessage(testContextInstance.TestName + " SitecolumnName : " + ColumnName);
TestResults.LogAssert(VerifyCO.VerifySiteColumns(ColumnName, testContextInstance, "SitecolumnName", "SpApp Site Columns"));
Step 5: Content Type fields validation
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", @"C:\Automation\SpApp_Tests\CoreLibrary\TestData\ContentTypes\SpApp Web Page ", "SpApp Web Page#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]
public void SpApp_Web_Page()
VerifyCO = new SPVerification();
VerifyCO.SetSiteUnderTest(sURL, sUsrId, sUsrPwd, sUsrDomain, testContextInstance);
String TypeName = testContextInstance.DataRow["ContentTypeName"].ToString();
String ColumnName = testContextInstance.DataRow["ColumnName"].ToString();
String Field = testContextInstance.DataRow["Type"].ToString();
// Assert.IsTrue(VerifyCO.VerifyContentTypeField(TypeName, ColumnName, Field, testContextInstance));
TestResults.LogMessage(testContextInstance.TestName + " : " + TypeName + " : " + ColumnName + " : " + Field);
TestResults.LogAssert(VerifyCO.VerifyContentTypeField(TypeName, ColumnName, Field, testContextInstance));
Step 6: Bonus code - To get all fields of content types in the given site.
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", @"C:\Automation\SpApp_Tests\CoreLibrary\TestData\AllContentTypes.csv", "AllContentTypes#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]
public void Get_All_ContentTypes()
bool result = false;
String sContentInfo;
FieldCollection Fields;
VerifyCO = new SPVerification();
VerifyCO.SetSiteUnderTest(sURL, sUsrId, sUsrPwd, sUsrDomain, testContextInstance);
// SharePointHelper spSharePointHelper = new SharePointHelper(sURL, sUsrId, sUsrPwd, sUsrDomain);
String TypeName = testContextInstance.DataRow["ContentTypeName"].ToString();
Fields = VerifyCO.GetAllContentTypes(TypeName);
if (Fields != null)
TestContext.WriteLine("Found the Content Type : " + TypeName);
TestResults.LogMessage("Found the Content Type : " + TypeName);
// FieldCollection Fields = spSharePointHelper.GetFieldsOfContentType(TypeName);
foreach (Field fieldItem in Fields)
sContentInfo = "Title: " + fieldItem.Title;
sContentInfo += " DisplayName: " + fieldItem.TypeDisplayName;
sContentInfo += " Description: " + fieldItem.Description;
sContentInfo += " Default Value: " + fieldItem.DefaultValue;
sContentInfo += " Required: " + fieldItem.Required.ToString();
//sContentInfo += "DisplayName: " + fieldItem.TypeDisplayName;
TestResults.LogMessage("Not Found Content Type : " + TypeName);
TestResults.LogMessage(" ");
Links For Sample code
Using the C# CSOM to interact with SharePoint Online
Use C# CSOM ClientContext to download file from SharePoint document library or OneDrive for Business