We have few silktest automation projects. One project is used to execute by suite. Another one is ran by batch (*.bat) file, which has few sub-plans. I am not able to run the failed cases from all results at one shot. I was looking an utility, similar to 'Mark failures in Plan' in the results menu. I thought to implement a 4test script to convert failed testcases as a testplan and I did it.
4Test code - Create testplan for failed cases only
[ ] LIST OF STRING glsFailedScripts = {}
[ ]
[+] testcase ConvertTestPlan_SingleFile () appstate none
[ ]
[ ] STRING sResFile = "D:\Auto_Scripts\Results\MyStuff_MasterPlan.res "
[ ] STRING sRexFile = "D:\Auto_Scripts\Results\MyStuff_MasterPlan1.rex "
[ ] STRING sMyPlanFile = "D:\Auto_Scripts\Results\zSingleFailed.pln "
[ ]
[ ] glsFailedScripts = {}
[ ] CreateFileFromTemplate(sPlanTemplate,sMyPlanFile)
[ ] ResExport (sResFile,sRexFile)
[ ] ProcessSingleREXFile (sRexFile,sMyPlanFile)
[ ]
[ ] Agent.DisplayMessage ("test","Completed.")
[ ]
[-] // functions
[+] Boolean GetFailedTestInfo (STRING sRexLine, out LIST OF STRING lsPlanInfo)
[ ]
[ ] // Title
[ ] //TestPlan Script TestCase TestData ErrorCount ErrorText DateTime Elapsed
[ ]
[ ] // Samples
[ ] // "D:\Auto_Scripts\PlanFiles\MyStuff_MasterPlan.pln","D:\Auto_Scripts\Scripts\FamilyFunctions.t","FamilyFunctions_DimensionFunctions_5",
[ ] // "Verify user sees a proper error message by clicking OK button.",0,"","2008-08-18 21.52.06","0:00:00"
[ ]
[ ] STRING sScript
[ ] STRING sTestCase
[ ] STRING sTestData,sFormattedData
[ ] STRING sTestTime
[ ] STRING sErrCount, sErrCount1
[ ] INTEGER iPos
[ ]
[ ] // Initialization
[ ] STRING sIndentation = " "
[ ] STRING sIndentation1 = "[+] " // Level1
[ ] STRING sIndentation2 = " [ ] " // Level2
[ ]
[ ] STRING sSeperator = ""","""
[ ] STRING sErrSeperator = ",""" //",""***"
[ ] STRING sDataSeperator = """,0,"""
[ ] STRING sErrSeperator1 = """"
[ ] Boolean bResult = FALSE
[ ] lsPlanInfo = {}
[ ]
[ ] sErrCount1 = GetField (sRexLine,sSeperator,4)
[ ] sErrCount = GetField (sRexLine,sDataSeperator, 2)
[ ] //if ((Trim(sErrCount) != "") && (Val(sErrCount) > 0))
[+] if ((Trim(sErrCount) == "") && (Trim(sErrCount1) != "") )
[ ] Print ("Considering line: {sRexLine}")
[ ] bResult = TRUE
[ ] sScript = GetField (sRexLine,sSeperator,2)
[ ] sTestCase = GetField (sRexLine,sSeperator,3)
[ ] sTestTime = GetField (sRexLine,sSeperator,6)
[ ] Print ("Elapsed: {sTestTime}")
[+] if (sTestTime == "")
[+] sFormattedData = ""
[ ] iPos = StrPos (sErrSeperator, sTestCase,TRUE)
[+] if (iPos > 0)
[ ] Print ("sTestCase:{sTestCase}: iPos:{iPos}")
[ ] sTestCase = SubStr (sTestCase, 1,iPos - 4)
[ ] Print ("Before formatting, sTestCase:{sTestCase}")
[ ] //sTestCase = StrTran (sTestCase,"\","")
[ ] Print ("After formatting, sTestCase:{sTestCase}")
[ ]
[+] else
[ ] sTestData = GetField (sRexLine,sSeperator,4)
[+] if (MatchStr ("*,?,""*",sTestData))
[ ] iPos = StrPos (sErrSeperator, sTestData,TRUE)
[+] if (iPos > 0)
[ ] Print ("TestData:{sTestData}: iPos:{iPos}")
[ ] sTestData = SubStr (sTestData, 1,iPos - 4)
[ ] Print ("Before formatting, TestData:{sTestData}")
[ ] sFormattedData = StrTran (sTestData,"\","")
[ ] Print ("After formatting, TestData:{sTestData}")
[ ]
[ ] Print ("TestCase: {sTestCase}")
[ ] Print ("TestData: {sFormattedData}")
[ ]
[+] if ( (glsFailedScripts == {}) || (glsFailedScripts[ListCount(glsFailedScripts)] != sScript) )
[ ] ListAppend (glsFailedScripts,sScript)
[ ] ListAppend (lsPlanInfo,"{sIndentation1}#script: {sScript}")
[+] // if (Trim (sTestData) != "")
[ ] // ListAppend (lsPlanInfo,"{sIndentation2}#testdata: {sFormattedData}")
[ ] ListAppend (lsPlanInfo,"{sIndentation2}#testcase: {sTestCase}({sFormattedData})")
[ ]
[+] else
[ ] Print ("Not Considering line: {sRexLine}")
[ ]
[ ] return bResult
[+] public void TestPlanWrite(STRING sPlanFile, ANYTYPE aMsg)
[ ] // To write content into log file
[ ] HFILE hFile
[ ] STRING sItem
[ ]
[ ] hFile = FileOpen (sPlanFile, FM_APPEND)
[+] switch TypeOf (aMsg)
[+] case STRING
[ ] FileWriteLine(hFile,"{aMsg}")
[+] for each sItem in aMsg
[ ] FileWriteLine(hFile,"{sItem}")
[+] default
[ ] Print ("Non supported element for TestPlanWrite: {TypeOf (aMsg)}")
[ ] FileWriteLine(hFile,"{aMsg}")
[ ]
[ ] FileClose (hFile)
[ ]
[ ]
[+] VOID ProcessSingleREXFile (String sRexFile, STRING sPlanFile)
[ ] // To create a testplan
[ ] // Implemented for Auto Scripts
[ ] // It will read the text file
[ ]
[+] // Parsing REX file and then writing into plan file
[ ] HFILE hInFile
[ ] STRING sLine
[ ]
[ ] hInFile = FileOpen (sRexFile,FM_READ)
[ ]
[+] while (FileReadLine (hInFile, sLine))
[+] if (GetFailedTestInfo (sLine,lsPlan))
[ ] TestPlanWrite (sPlanFile,lsPlan)
[ ]
[ ] FileClose (hInFile)