Sunday, March 19, 2017

Handling multi-dimensional array in vbscript

Was trying to build excel data provider, which can be used for Test Complete and QTP scripts. Created a VBScript to keep all excel contents into a multi-dimensional array.

Declared array with lower limits and then used ReDim to fix with right count. But I was able to retrieve the data only upto the initial array size.

Tried different ways. Then declared array without any size as given in below code.

'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' File : ExcelReadByArrays.vbs ' Author : PalaniSelvam Thillaiappan ' Purpose : To read the given sheet contents . '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '' Usage '' cscript D:\MyCode\qtp_uft\ExcelReadByArrays.vbs '' test data: D:\MyCode\qtp_uft\testMyApp_1.xlsx '******** Variables Declaration Dim gsExcelFile, giStartRow, giStartCol, giEndRow, giEndCol, giSheetIndex Dim gsLogFile Dim arrExcelData() 'as all Rows data '''Dim arrExcelData(5, 5) 'as all Rows data giSheetIndex = 1 gsExcelFile = "D:\MyCode\qtp_uft\testMyApp_1.xlsx" '' Working fine, but array size should be given properly ExcelDataRead gsExcelFile, giSheetIndex, arrExcelData PrintArrays arrExcelData '-------------------------------------- ' Method : ExcelDataRead ' Author : PalaniSelvam Thillaiappan ' Purpose : Read all the contents from Excel sheet and write into log file ' Parameters: sExcelFile - String, contains the Excel file ' : iSheetIndex - Integer, Value for Sheet Index '-------------------------------------- Sub ExcelDataRead(sExcelFile, iSheetIndex, ByRef arrExcel) Dim sExcelPath 'As Variant 'Excel file '********** Excel object declaration **********' ' Excel Application object Dim objExcel 'As Excel.Application Dim objXLWorkbooks 'As Excel.Workbooks Dim objXLWorkbook 'As Excel.Workbook Dim WorkSheetCount 'As Variant 'Work sheets count in a excel Dim CurrentWorkSheet 'As Excel.Worksheet ' Current worksheet Dim objCells 'As Excel.Range Dim objCurrentCell 'As Variant Dim objFont 'As Variant ' Result contents Dim sCellText 'As Variant Dim sFontName 'As Variant Dim sFontStyle 'As Variant Dim iFontSize 'As Variant Dim iCellTextColorIndex 'As Variant Dim iCellInteriorColorIndex 'As Variant Dim sResult 'As Variant Dim sChartFile 'As String ' Row and Col integer variables Dim iUsedRowsCount 'As Integer Dim iUsedColsCount 'As Integer Dim iTop, iLeft 'As Integer Dim iRow 'As Integer 'Row item Dim iCol 'As Integer 'Col item Dim iCurRow 'As Integer Dim iCurCol 'As Integer Dim arrColList 'As Array - Column Name If (sExcelFile = "") Then sExcelPath = "D:\MyCode\qtp_uft\testMyApp_1.xlsx" Else sExcelPath = sExcelFile End If If (iSheetIndex = "") Then iSheetIndex = 2 End If Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Workbooks.Open sExcelPath, False, True On Error Resume Next WorkSheetCount = objExcel.Worksheets.Count Set objXLWorkbook = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook 'objXLWorkbook.RunAutoMacros Set CurrentWorkSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(iSheetIndex) 'iSheetIndex worksheet iUsedRowsCount = CurrentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count iUsedColsCount = CurrentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count iTop = CurrentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Row iLeft = CurrentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Column CurrentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit() ' Cells object CurrentWorkSheet.Cells.Activate ReDim Preserve arrExcel(iUsedRowsCount, iUsedColsCount) ''ReDim arrColList(iUsedColsCount) For iRow = iTop To iUsedRowsCount '(iUsedRowsCount - 1) 'Read All Columns For iCol = iLeft To iUsedColsCount '(iUsedColsCount - 1) sResult = "" Set objCurrentCell = CurrentWorkSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol) sCellText = objCurrentCell.Text sResult = "Reading Cell {" & CStr(iRow) & ", " & CStr(iCol) & "}^" & sCellText & "^" WScript.echo sResult Set objCurrentCell = Nothing arrExcel (iRow-1, iCol-1) = sCellText Next Next ' This will prevent Excel from prompting us to save the workbook. objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True Set CurrentWorkSheet = Nothing 'objExcel.Worksbooks.Close objExcel.Quit ''Set CurrentWorkSheet = Nothing Set objExcel = Nothing 'MsgBox "Read Completed.", vbOKOnly, "Exec Over" Exit Sub ErrorHandler1: 'MsgBox "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description 'Err.Clear ' Clear the error. End Sub '' To display given array Sub PrintArrays( arrList) '' To Print all list items Dim aValue 'array item ==> dictionary Dim aItem 'dictionaly item ==> key-pair value Dim iRow Dim iCol WScript.echo "Array Rows Count: ",UBound (arrList, 1) '' First Array WScript.echo "Array Columns Count: ",UBound (arrList, 2) ''Second Array For iRow =LBound(arrList) to UBound (arrList)-1 For iCol=LBound(arrList,2) to UBound (arrList,2)-1 aValue = arrList(iRow, iCol) WScript.echo iRow, iCol, " Value:", aValue Next Next End Sub

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