Thursday, April 10, 2008

Checking Mail Notification

Earlier I have written the code to verify the mails from Microsoft Outlook Express. I used to call CDO(Collaboration Data Objects) object methods. I developed a small VB application to delete all the objects from Inbox. I think, now few methods are deprecated.


'It is possible, by calling OLE objects from CDO.dll
'Mostly it will be in C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033\NT\
' Method : CheckMail
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Check the mails in the MS Outlook Mail Client for the particular subject & its status.
' Parameters: sDatavalue, String - Contains Username, Password of the MS outlook, Subject & Status of mail.
' Returns : Returns Integer data type(True or False.)
Function CheckMail(sDataValue As String) As Integer
Dim objSession As Variant
Dim objInbox As Variant
Dim objMessages As Variant
Dim objItem As Variant
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim varReceived As Variant
Dim iStatus As Integer 'To get Current status of the message.
Dim sSubject As String 'Subject of the current message.
Dim sUser As String, sPword As String, sSearch As String, sStatus As String 'Information gets from the Data value
Dim iPosition As Integer, iPosition1 As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
Dim iResult As Integer

iResult = False 'Initializing function
'Error Information Handling
On Local Error GoTo Error_Handler1

'****** Parsing information from Datavalue
sTemp = sDatavalue
intCount = 1
While (Instr(sTemp,"::") <>0 )
iPosition = Instr(sTemp,"::")

Select Case intCount
Case 1
sUser = Left$ (sTemp, iPosition - 1)
Case 2
sPWord = Left$(sTemp, iPosition - 1)
Case 3
sSearch = Left$(sTemp, iPosition - 1)
'Case 4
'sStatus = Left$(sTemp, iPosition)
sStatus = Mid$ (sTemp, iPosition + 2)
Case Else
LogWrite("CheckMail: More information is given in data file.", 1)
End Select
intCount = intCount + 1
sTemp = Mid$ (sTemp, iPosition + 2)
'**** End Parsing Information

Logwrite("Search Mail Status: " + sStatus + " & Subject String: " + sSearch, 1)
'Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objSession = OleCreateObject("MAPI.Session") ' Create MAPI session

'objSession.Logon strUser, strPword, False, False, 0
OleDispatch(objSession,"Logon",sUser, sPword,False, False, 0) ' Logon using an existing MAPI session

'Set objInbox = objSession.Inbox
objInbox=OleDispatch(objSession,"Inbox") ' Get inbox folder

'Set objMessages = objInbox.Messages
objMessages=OleDispatch(objInbox,"Messages") 'Get all messages


LogWrite("Total Messages in Outlook: " + str(intCount) , 1)

sStatus = Trim (sStatus)

For intIndex=1 To intCount Step 1
objItem=OleDispatch(objMessages,"Item",intIndex) 'Get Each message

sSubject = OleGetProperty(objItem,"Subject")
iStatus = OleGetProperty(objItem,"Unread")

If (InStr(UCase(sSubject), UCase(sSearch)) <> 0) Then
If (iStatus AND (Instr(lCase(sStatus),"read") > 1)) Then
iResult = True
Exit For
ElseIf ((Not iStatus) AND (Instr(lCase(sStatus),"read") = 1)) Then
iResult = True
Exit For
End If

End If
Next intIndex

' Logoff from MAPI Session
'Set objSession = Nothing

If (iResult) Then
LogWrite("Successfully Mail is checked in the Outlook.",2)
LogWrite("Failure to check Mail in the Outlook.",1)
'giTestResult = giTestResult + 10
End IF
CheckMail = iResult

Exit Sub


If InStr(UCase(Error$), "LOGON") <> 0 And InStr(UCase(Error$), "FAIL") <> 0 Then
LogWrite("CheckMail : Username and password of Outlook information are incorrect. ", 1)
LogWrite("CheckMail : MS Outlook Login status is Failure.", 1)
End If

If Not (objSession = NULL) Then
End If

'PRINT "[Failed At] " ERF "(" ERL ") : " ERROR$ 'Actual location.
'PRINT "[Trapped At] " ERF(1) "(" ERL(1) ")" 'Trapped location.
LogWrite("[Failed At] " + ERF(0)+ "("+ str(ERL) +") : "+ ERROR$,1) 'Actual location.
Logwrite("[Trapped At] "+ ERF(1)+ "("+ str(ERL(1))+ ")",1) 'Trapped location.
LogWrite("Error Handling: Failure to check Mail in the Outlook.",1)

glCellRow = glCellRow + 1
setResultDetails("Error: " + Error$ ,glCellRow,3) 'Write into Excel

End Function


Jonh said...

If you're looking for information about all of the new features in Outlook, or if you want to know more about the differences between earlier versions of Outlook and this version, take a look at the Quick Reference Card at the end of the course. We've listed some additional resources there.

Palani Selvam said...

Thanks for the inputs.

Can you please point out the right URL? I am not able to find out from your blogs.