Saturday, April 5, 2008

VisualTest - File Handling

Any automation suite must have file handling functions for various scenarios. It may be just text files or any data files. VisualTest also has few methods for file handling. VisualTest code is similar to Visual Basic code. Below I put some of my visual test functions.

Code: Check the given file exists or not

' Method : FileExists
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Check the given file exists or not. PhaseII
' Parameters: sFile, String - Contains a file name.
' Returns : Returns Integer data type(True or False.)
' Caller : SwitchSpecialTags
' Calls : - Nil
Function FileExists(sFile As String)As Integer
Dim iPosition As Integer
Dim sDir As String, sTFile As String, sTemp As String

FileExists = False
sTFile = sFile
iPosition = Instr(sFile,"::")
If (iPosition <> 0) Then
sDir = Mid$(sFile,iPosition + 2)
sTemp = Left(sFile, iPosition - 1)
If (Instr(sTemp,":\") <> 0 ) Then
sTFile = sTemp
If (Right$(Trim(sDir),1) <> "\") Then
sDir = Trim(sDir) + "\"
End If
sTFile = sDir + sTemp
End IF
End If
If Exists(sTFile,"-d") Then
FileExists = True
Logwrite( "Successful - Existing file is " + sTFile , 1)
Logwrite( sTFile + " - File doesn't exist.", 1)
End IF

End Function

Code: Check whether the given folder exists or not

' Method : FolderExists
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Check the given folder exists or not.(PhaseII)
' Parameters: sFolder, String - Contains a folder name.
' Returns : Returns Integer data type(True or False.)
' Caller : SwitchSpecialTags
' Calls : - Nil
Function FolderExists(sFolder As String)As Integer
FolderExists = False
If (Right$(Trim(sFolder),1) = "\") Then
sFolder = Trim(sFolder)
sFolder = Left$(sFolder, Len(sFolder) -1 )
End If

If Exists(sFolder,"+d") Then
FolderExists = True
Logwrite( "Successful - Existing Directory is " + sFolder , 1)
Logwrite( sFolder + " - Directory doesn't exist.", 1)
End IF
End Function

Code: Check whether the given string exists in the given file or not.

' Method : StringExists
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : 'Check whether the given string exists in the given file or not.
' Parameters: sFile as String, Contains a file name with full path.
' sWord - String , Consists of string to check into the file.
' Returns : Returns Integer value
' Caller : OperationIdentifier()
' Calls : - Nil
Function StringExists(sFile As String,sWord As String)As Integer
Dim fNumber As Long
Dim sLine As String
Dim iInt As Integer


iInt =0

OPEN sFile For Input As #fNumber

While not eof(fNumber)
Line Input #fNumber,sLine
sLine = Trim (sLine)

IF (Instr(sWord,sLine)<>0 AND Len(sLine) > 1) Then
PRINT sLine, "String Exists!"
iInt = iInt + 1
If (iInt > 3) Then
Exit Function
End IF
End If

CLOSE #fNumber

End Function

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