Tuesday, March 18, 2008

MS XML Parser by Visual Basic

I love to use XML Parser. It is very easy to do by Visual basic. You can get the equivalent visual test code here - Visual Test - MS XML Parser. I'm thinking to use it in Quick Test Professional (QTP). Below code snippets are simple and easy to use.

Case1: To load any XML content

' Method : XMLParserLoadXML
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Creates XML Parsing object according to the given XML String.
' Parameters: sXML - String, contains data in XML Format.
' Returns : Returns a Object, which contains XML Parsing object.
' Caller : - Nil
' Calls : - Nil -
Function XMLParserLoadXML(sXML As String) As Variant
Dim objXML As Variant

XMLParserLoadXML = Null

Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Declare a Object
objXML.async = False
objXML.loadXML (sXML) 'Load xmlformat String

'OleSetProperty(objXML,"preserveWhiteSpace") = False

If (objXML.parseError <> 0) Then
LogWrite ("Parsing Error in the File :" + sXMLFile)
Exit Function
End If

'Top Node of given file
Set XMLParserLoadXML = objXML.documentElement
End Function

Case2: It parsed the given tag in given content and returns the node.

' Method : XMLParser
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Creates XML Parsing object according to the given XML Format File and Element.
' Parameters: sXMLFile - String, contains a file name, which is in XML Format.
' sTag - String, contains element name from which Tag or element based object to be returned.
' Returns : Returns a Object, which contains XML Parsing object.
' Caller : - Nil
' Calls : - Nil -
Function XMLParser(sXMLFile As String, sTag As String) As Variant
Dim objXML As Variant, objNode As Variant, objTemp As Variant, objRoot As Variant
'Dim varTest As Variant
Dim iIndex As Integer, iTemp As Integer
'Dim objRoot As node

XMLParser = Null
sTag = Trim(sTag)
Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Declare a Object
objXML.async = False
objXML.Load (sXMLFile) 'Load xmlformat file

If (objXML.parseError <> 0) Then
LogWrite ("Parsing Error in the File :" + sXMLFile)
MsgBox ("Parsing Error in the File :" + sXMLFile)
Exit Function
End If

'Top Node of given file
Set objRoot = objXML.documentElement
'Print "XML File is : " & sXMLFile
'Print objRoot.nodeName & " Name of the node.."

If ((sTag = "") Or (sTag = objRoot.nodeName)) Then
'XMLParser = CVar(objRoot)
Set XMLParser = objRoot
'Set varTest = objRoot
'XMLParser = objRoot
Exit Function
End If

If objRoot.hasChildNodes <> 0 Then
objTemp = objRoot.childNodes
iTemp = objTemp.length

For iIndex = 0 To iTemp - 1
objNode = objTemp.Item(iIndex)
If (UCase(Trim(objNode.nodeName)) = UCase(sTag)) Then
XMLParser = objNode
Exit Function
Set objNode = Nothing
End If
Next iIndex
End If

objTemp = objXML.getElementsByTagName(sTag) 'Search whole file with sTag
iTemp = objTemp.length
If (iTemp > 0) Then
objNode = objTemp.Item(0)
XMLParser = objNode
End If

End Function

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