Friday, March 14, 2008

VisualTest - MS XML Parser

In my first test automation project, I thought to include XML Parser. At that time, XML concept was new and used in many applications. Visual test supports COM DLL calls. I used Microsoft DOM XML parser. XML is a best choice to have the test data.

XML Development Center

Below I have given the code snippets to parse the XML files.

Code1: To Parse an XML file.

' Method : XMLParserLoadXML
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Creates XML Parsing object according to the given XML formatted String, Element .
' Parameters: sXML - String, contains data in XML Format.
' sTag - String, contains element name from which Tag or element based object to be returned.
' Returns : Returns a variant data, which contains XML Parsing object.
' Caller : - Nil
' Calls : - Nil -
Function XMLParserLoadXML(sXML As String, sTag As String) As Variant
Dim objXML As Variant, objNode As Variant, objRoot As Variant, objTemp As Variant
Dim iIndex As Integer, iTemp As Integer

sTag = Trim (sTag)
objXML = OleCreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Declare a Object
OleSetProperty (objXML,"async","False")
OleDispatch (objXML, "loadXML", sXML) 'Load xmlformat String

'OleSetProperty(objXML,"preserveWhiteSpace") = False

If (OleGetProperty(OleDispatch(objXML, "parseError"), "errorCode") <> 0) Then
LogWrite ("Parsing Error in the String :" + sXML, 1)
Exit Function
End If
'Top Node of given file
objRoot = OleDispatch (objXML,"documentElement")

IF ((sTag = "") OR (sTag = OleGetProperty(objRoot, "nodeName"))) Then
XMLParserLoadXML = objRoot
Exit Function
End IF

If OleDispatch (objRoot ,"hasChildNodes") <> 0 Then
objTemp = OleDispatch (objRoot, "ChildNodes")
iTemp = OleGetProperty(objTemp, "Length")

For iIndex = 0 To iTemp -1
objNode= OleDispatch(objTemp, "item",iIndex)
If (Ucase(trim(OleGetProperty(objNode,"nodeName"))) = UCase(sTag)) Then
XMLParserLoadXML = objNode
Exit Function
OleReleaseObject (objNode)
End If

Next iIndex
End IF

objTemp = OleDispatch(objXML,"getElementsByTagName",sTag) 'For test.xml
If (iTemp > 0 ) Then
objNode = OleDispatch (objTemp, "item", 0)
XMLParserLoadXML = objNode
End IF

End Function

Code2: It parses the given tag and returns the content.

' Method : XMLParser
' Author : T.Palani Selvam
' Purpose : Creates XML Parsing object according to the given XML Format File and Element,
' which gives starting or root element of that object.
' Parameters: sXMLFile - String, contains a file name, which is in XML Format.
' sTag - String, contains element name from which Tag or element based object to be returned.
' Returns : Returns a variant data, which contains XML Parsing object.
' Caller : RunTestCase()
' Calls : - Nil -
Function XMLParser(sXMLFile As String, sTag As String) As Variant
Dim objXML As Variant, objNode As Variant, objRoot As Variant, objTemp As Variant
Dim iIndex As Integer, iTemp As Integer

XMLParser = NULL
sTag = Trim (sTag)
objXML = OleCreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM") 'Declare a Object
OleSetProperty (objXML,"async","False")
OleDispatch (objXML, "load", sXMLFile) 'Load xmlformat file

'OleSetProperty(objXML,"preserveWhiteSpace") = False

If (OleGetProperty(OleDispatch(objXML, "parseError"), "errorCode") <> 0) Then
LogWrite ("Parsing Error in the File : " + sXMLFile, 1)
Exit Function
End If
'Top Node of given file
objRoot = OleDispatch (objXML,"documentElement")

Print OleGetProperty(objRoot, "nodeName") + " Name of the node.."

IF ((sTag = "") OR (sTag = OleGetProperty(objRoot, "nodeName"))) Then
XMLParser = objRoot
Exit Function
End IF

If OleDispatch (objRoot ,"hasChildNodes") <> 0 Then
objTemp = OleDispatch (objRoot, "ChildNodes")
iTemp = OleGetProperty(objTemp, "Length")

For iIndex = 0 To iTemp -1
objNode= OleDispatch(objTemp, "item",iIndex)
If (Ucase(trim(OleGetProperty(objNode,"nodeName"))) = UCase(sTag)) Then
XMLParser = objNode
Exit Function
OleReleaseObject (objNode)
End If

Next iIndex
End IF

objTemp = OleDispatch(objXML,"getElementsByTagName",sTag) 'For xml Format
If (iTemp > 0 ) Then
objNode = OleDispatch (objTemp, "item", 0)
XMLParser = objNode
End IF

End Function

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